“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

.... was heading down US 1 on his way to Miami. We first saw him resting on the way to the post office but on the way home, I was certain I wanted to know his story. Why is there a man carrying a white cross down the highway? Was he local? What was his purpose? When I got back to him, he was strapping his cross down on the hood to a car. I stepped out only to recognize one of my friends who was heading home from work. She was going to take him into Cocoa, FL to find a place for the night, good meal and maybe he could get a shower at whatever shelter a church would provide.
Chuck has crossed America 11x in the past 20 years. Back in 2005, he was at 45,000 miles. He started out walking on weekends and about a decade ago, went to walking daily. He started out with $1 in his pocket and he relies on the providence of God through kind acts of others. Now, he is 46 yrs old, still carrying his cross. He is trying to stay south for the winter before returning back up north. We saw him with a new cross (3 wks old). He has worn out a few.
(Photo by Jeff Jones/Independant)
At some point, Chuck will write a book about his evangelical, cross-carrying experiences. I believe he said he turned to Christ back in 1987. What a remarkable story and testimony this will be to God's goodness. Of course, it is mighty hard to ignore a man carrying a cross down the highway. He said that he had been checked by the police a few minutes before we had arrived.
I wish I had had my own camera on me.
http://wpde.net/news/videoplayer.asp?v=news/~chuck I hope this video link works. It was taken in November in Columbia, SC area.
God bless you Chuck!!
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