I read yesterday that people are gaining weight by eating so many preservatives in their daily diet. There must be something to this because in the spring & summer, when my garden is heavily producing, I lose weight. In the winter... like clock work, I gain about 4 lbs.
Anyhow, this is a photo-log of my Wall Garden. These are in containers for easy picking right outside my door.
Swiss Chard (White)
Spinach did not come up. So, I have some more lettuce and salad Kale to plant this weekend. (Make use of every inch!)
Here is my journey to Garden #1 from the Wall Garden. I come across my little girls (pullets), Julia and Louisa.
And then, there is my personal sinkhole that has put me right on the ground last week. I am going to fill it up with LOTS of dirt. It is a serious 10" deep!
Ok, now we're over to Garden #1. My original one. As you can see, I did a horrible job of collecting beans without keeping the other ones safely in a jar. I dribbled out half a row of beans along my walk. So.... guess what I planted in here yesterday?? More of the same. Might as well join the others. Broccoli were planted last Fall and just now really producing good. All the tomatoes are volunteers from the chicken transportation "system". Onions are from last year.
This is American Broccoli. I know because it is putting out a nice "head" vs the Italian which just does sprouts.
Compari? Big Tasty Mater?
Ugly Ripe. Must treat the garden immediately!
Sweet Potatoes This should cover the ground between all the plants.
My girls follow me from one end of the garden to the next. They're ravenous for broccoli leaves. They need their vitamins too!
Ok, we walked over to Garden #2 now. I believe this is our 3rd spring gardening over here.
Okra (giving birth from the seed.. LOL)
Kale I prefer Red Russian because it is flatter and can be sauteed nicer.
Cabbage Left over seeds from a year or two. Still germinated!
Compari (saved seeds on a napkin)
My biggest Compari baby.
Tasty Maters The original name of these was lost. Possibly it was a store or farmer's market variety. The Compari variety came right from Publix.
Big Mama Paste Tomatoes
Another unknown volunteer. Could be just a pretty varigated weed. Looks lettuce-y.
Pepper row. Not sure if this was the Bell pepper side or the Jalapeno side. They take longer to germinate and prefer warmer ground.
Cucumbers are already coming in nicely... especially the sunny side of the garden. I'll need to put a fence on these pretty soon.
Shady side... not so much.
Unirrigated Pineapple. (I have about 5 irrigated pineapples in Garden #1 that are unpictured.)
Another volunteer thanks to having chickens.
Collecting eggs after leaving the garden. Yeah!! Doubles.
Silly looking egg. Who did that? Peaches... you look guilty down there.
Oh... and my poor pitiful pool. We were going to replace it this year but instead had to buy a car for our son. It is raining leaves every day. It is a daily chores this week or two.
Happy Gardening. Now is a great time to get your gardens going!