Monday, September 30, 2013


by Robin

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! Thou hast set me at large when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.
O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame? How long will ye love vanity and seek after lies? Selah
But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself; the Lord will hear when I call unto Him.
Stand in awe, and sin not; commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.
There are many that say, “Who will show us any good?” Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us.
Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time when their corn and wine increased.
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for Thou Lord only, makest me dwell in safety.

This morning was a glorious start to my week!  The weather has finally turned cool and humidity-free through our nights.  My porch table was clean and I was able to have breakfast and Bible time out there.  Sometimes, I'd look up and watch the chickens roaming around the yard.  A dog came over to greet me.  My eldest was packing books to head out the door for college. Everything felt at peace in on the inside and in my environment. 
We had quite the latter week & weekend with Andrew having a fever, soon to be followed by a bad sore throat.  My aches and pains had been growing.  I do think part of it is due to my practicing violin and that right shoulder does not want to stay up in the elbow out position for 20-30 minutes. And then there was interpreting on Sunday.  I love sign language and our deaf friends but I have never loved being on the stage, approx 12-15 feet from the pastor.  I feel so trapped, isolated, stared at! It is a strange choice that God has called me to, knowing my fears. But, God knows what He is doing and who brings Him glory.  
I was reminded earlier last week about the little boy who had only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, but he put it in the hands of Jesus and it fed thousands! God has given me that promise. Surrender it all.  He says, I can do more when you give everything you have to Me. 
And so I found myself Sunday morning, the final song before I go up on stage, sitting down to pray. The songs words are "Here's my heart, Lord."  I'm begging God to take my everything, which feels like nothing and make something from it. I feel like David in Psalm 4. He heard my distress and had mercy on me. It was sacrifice and trust as tears rolled down my cheeks. As much as I am sick to my stomach, I know the Lord has set me apart for His work and His anointing will come through my hands to speak to the deaf. Selah.
When it is over, my team and deaf friends are so encouraging.  For me, I survived and I didn't run off the stage like I had envisioned many times before it began.  God put a gladness in my heart and deep down in my soul, I know Who gave the increase.  
I know because I have continued in obedience, God gives me safety.  A reassurance that trusting in Him is the best place to be. 
I don't know where you are today or what you're facing, but I recommend crying out to God and He will hear you and sustain you.  Salvation belongs to the Lord: His blessing is upon His people!

Friday, September 27, 2013


by Robin

I was thinking earlier how people must think I lead such a simple life to stay at home, school my kids, have a garden, a couple fresh eggs every day, lots of organic veggies in my garden and plenty of home-cooked meals on a regular basis.

No, actually, my life is somewhat chaotic, yet harmonic.  One kid goes to school, another stays home.  The next day, the opposite occurs.  One has a fever, the other is gone volunteering.  One cuts the grass, the other has to clean cages & feed critters.  I pull some weed, more come up.  I could stay busy all day long and DO!  But, beyond what you see visually, is the love which makes it all worth it.

Thankfully, my boys are huge joys to my life and are incredible gifts to me.  Where I lack in house decorating, my youngest is gifted.  He decorates our house for fall and Christmas each year.  We'd never celebrate the holidays in beautiful colors if it wasn't for his festive spirit. Today, he did this in spite of having fever for 2 days.

We even decorated the chicken coop.  I know my girls are very happy now and should stop their molting. ha ha. Feathers are everywhere!

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My eldest blessed me so much the other day.  I was out running errands up & down the county, getting medicine for dogs and a sick kid. I came home to a sink completely shiny.  He even did his own laundry that was sitting in the basket when I left.

We are a team.  We have a bond of unity that God winds together in us.  Today, "Simon Peter" had to leave out for his job for a few hours and so it was my turn to bless him back.  I made chicken spaghetti from my Pioneer Woman cookbook (I also saw it on tv a few days earlier.).

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And where would we all be if my dear hubby didn't put in the hours that he does at a thankless job.  He deserves so much more than a yummy casserole and a pretty house to come home to.  I'm so thankful that we can show him love when he walks in the door.

Life is not about money or buying conveniences.  It's about love.  It's about being thankful for every little thing where it is a little or a lot.  It's about being thankful for each other.  Keeping a family running in the right direction take commitment but I am thankful to have this job.  A wise man once said that if find a job you love doing, you'll never have to work a day in your life.

Have a blessed weekend,

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday 5pm

by Robin

Where does time go?

Monday flies into Fridays.  Fridays fly right back into Mondays.  Sometimes, I'm so confused as to how I could have better spent my time and why did the house not get cleaned another week in a row. Why is it that we can write secret messages in the film at the bottom of a toilet bowl?  (You don't want to know the story behind that.)

Raising children takes time.  Talking through heart issues.  Explaining why two negatives becomes a positive. Why does air become depleted and water take its place?  How one's brother is not an idiot and while we're on the subject, you can't leave the front door wide open when we leave the house again.

Where does the day go?  Neighbors want to chat a moment before asking for their grass to be cut for free.  Spontaneous trips to lunch before volunteer time.  Practicing Spanish replies to questions I can barely understand. My second language is ASL not Spanish!  Running over a birthday card to a friend's house and picking up a missing page to a quiz at a student's house.  Planting a few swiss chard seeds to fill in the gaps before the next storm comes.

Time just keeps ticking on.  Time waits for nobody. And time certainly doesn't slow down for Mama's to enjoy their babies before they get big and go college.

I thought I was going to cry through a conversation about applications to admissions and dorm rooms at the college just a little too far to drive to every day.  I can't explain the relief I felt when he adamantly wanted to stay home and commute to the smaller college around the corner. I could handle the thoughts of scholarship requirements and what to take next but not the one about leaving.

And in minutes, we'll fly from that busy week into the busy weekend.  Weddings to football to church to more homework before Monday comes again. It's a viscous cycle that feels a bit more tornadic.

And that's o.k. because God's grace ......  is sufficient for today.  Do not worry about tomorrow because that has enough challenges of its own.  I'm going to enjoy a Friday night with the family. My work here is done.

Physical Science, Exp 3.1 from Robins Reports on Vimeo.

5 pm Friday,
