The other day, we were having a BAD evening. It all started well. Schooling, conversations, lessons up at co-op. What I came home to after co-op was a child in distress. Studying all day, staying confused, unable to work at a pace he was accustomed to and generally frustrated the clock was running out.
So, like any good homeschool mom, I stopped everything, inspite of starving, to help him overcome multiple choice questions. It wasn't long before I felt the same frustration. Oh, I was to the place exactly where Satan wanted me. I had lost my joy.
No problem, praise band practice and sign language class was approaching and I get a lot of joy there. We left out the door, still starving and no dinner cooked. Through a series of events, the chickens were out in the adjacent lot. We scrambled to round them up, then, my son's truck died right behind the working truck and we found ourselves (with the help of a good neighbor) rolling the truck out of the way.
I was squawking much like all my girls today who were frustrated with waiting in line to lay their eggs in the same box. Little things felt like huge obstacles.
We got up to church, only for me to be called back home because I had the jumper cables in my toolbox. I left my defeated-feeling son to continue on.
I couldn't do it. I couldn't continue on with frustration and a hungry stomach. So, I focused on 2 things. Worship music and cooking. Just me in the kitchen. I found every old hymn I could find on YouTube and sang as I cooked. My joy was returning. I was reminded at who held the sun, moon, stars and knew my future. I remembered who loved me enough to die for me - Jesus. I remember that no matter my lot, God has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.
Hubby arrived home, looked at the truck, asked me to start it and it started right up. It didn't even need the jumper cables. Wow. I needed faith. I needed grounding.
I picked son back up from practice and dinner was enjoyed by everyone. We weren't even finished and a good friend called, hearing my pleas for prayer. Praise God her son offered to come over and help my son with his work. In less than 2 hours, they were done and our entire outlook at 5 pm had disappeared.
Hebrews 13:15 says:
"Through Jesus, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess His name."
That was all I did. And He blessed me. He removed my obstacles and returned my joy. Best of all, he returned my son's joy too.
He also gave me different perspective as I learned the news of a young father in our church passing away that morning. Terribly tragic situation for all. I need to stop sqawking at the little things.
I really learned a lesson. I will continually praise Him regardless of what I see before my eyes. He is with us.