by Robin
I thought I would share just a few highlights of the special moments from over the weekend.
Sunday morning, I signed (deaf ministry) up at church and after we had a quick lunch, three of us set out to hunt for blue crabs. My other son was home sick with a cold, so he was able to chill at home.
We soaked and soaked chicken necks in our nets but absolute nothing, nada, zilch was moving after that cold front that came through.
We even put out a couple poles and didn't lose a single shrimp to small pin fish or trout.
BUT, we had a spectacular sunset. No photoshop needed. I had every color added by God.
After the sun had set, people came out to the pier to set up for shrimping. They put these lights out and then watch the water. When the shrimp run, they catch them in a dip net. Very time consuming but a lot of people do it.
Christmas Eve was fairly uneventful. I stayed in the kitchen cooking up a storm and watching after my son while Jack and my eldest went all around the water's edge to find crab. They managed to find only 1 stone crab, no blue crab. They measured & popped the claws and brought them home. Thankfully they are in season if they're male, not females.
Christmas morning came and everyone opened up their gifts.
My eldest worked very hard all semester to make straight-A's at the local community college for his dual-enrollment credits. So, we had been saving a little bit the entire time to buy him his own computer.
For over 14 yrs, my husband has wanted to have his family crest framed and sure-enough.... I was able to pull it off and have his good friend do it (& keep it a secret). What a great surprise!! I wish I could tell you more about the crest & the significance of it but that would mean giving up my anonymity here and I can't do that.
Even the dogs enjoyed a couple treats & stuffed animals. I think Captain is thrilled. What a smile!
(I straightened my hair for the holidays!)
Here we are, coming up on our 20th anniversary very soon. Merry Christmas!!
I will have to blog on some of the food I made on another day.
God bless!