Part of the reason why I gave my blog the title of "Raising Fishermen" was because we live near the ocean and we love to fish. But, the main reason was because I recongize that my kids are not just my own. They belong to God. God has given them to me for a time to raise them and steer them towards what He is calling them to do with their life.
In the spring, my eldest was able to attend the discipleship camp called DNow. It was an extended weekend where they could pray about God's direction for their lives. Many teens surrendered their life to Jesus, as Savior. Some found which path they were praying about for college. Some learned to discipline themselves in their personal time with God. Here is my eldest, Simon Peter, in his devotion time.
My youngest, Andrew, is at the Centri-Kids discipleship camp this week. This is his 2nd year attending the same camp. I love this and so does he. He is left of center, top row, in the green shirt. They're having their devotion time.
Now, it's not all prayer & Bible study. They have plenty of good physical activities that develop character & courage.
Below, Andrew is in yellow and doing a water sport called Wet 'n Wild.
It is my hope that eventually, we will be able to send them on missionary trips - domestic or foreign. But for now, they're having a great time learning more about being men of God.