Tuesday, April 17, 2012


by Robin

I did not take these photos, so the credit goes to NASA Kennedy Space Center photographers who posted on Facebook.

We said good-bye to a good, dear, old friend today. Discovery, we love you! We will never forget the service that you gave our country.

We'll have to come see you in DC one day.

God bless,


Monday, April 16, 2012


by Robin

We're eating something almost daily out of the garden. That makes cooking so much more fun. I cleared off the camera this morning (because I'm on ice for my back) and found some gems to share with you.

They're in order, as taken throughout the week. So far, we've picked & eaten 5 cucumbers, 2 squash, 2 helpings of green beans, and 2 servings of kale. Kale chips are not as awful as I read about. Infact, if you season them right, they become somewhat addictive like potato chips. Of course, a carnivore like my husband may choose to disagree with my assessment of the new household snack. His thoughts were more along the line of "survival food" for a desperate situation ONLY.



This is MY FAVORITE!! Once in a while, I take a book-worthy photo.


Take care everyone!! This is a big week of testing for our family. Pray for us!

God bless America,

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


By Robin

I think we're on week 7. If not, it would be week 8.

I've had to buy mid-supports because the cucumber & bean fences are collapsing under the weight. I also pulled the bean mid-sections out away from the cucumbers because they were fighting & clinging to each other. I stood on a chair to take this picture.


Right on time, these are blooming. I cannot wait to have my own peas. This is a first for me!


Here is our little guy. I have 5 plants but 3 are new and the other older one was accidentally pulled out by a dog and replanted by me. (not happy!)

I had to photograph this because it was putting out a purple leaf that deserved some attention.


I do have my weekly photos of the entire group but will hold onto them for another week. I like to compare week by week on the same plants.

I did pick my first cucumber two days ago. I also picked kale, which was filled with aphids. A little soapy water and they all drop off. So, with that in mind, I sprayed my plants top AND bottom-side with soapy water yesterday. Some leaves were clean and some leaves were heavily populated.

God bless,

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


by Robin


Gardening was a passion of my Dad's. Well, not so much all gardening, but was definitely into his tomato plants. He watered & fertilized them. One year, they went well over 6 ft high. He sparked so much of my interested in growing veggies, which now has become this terribly out-of-control hobby. ha ha.


Year after year, I'd take my toddler(s) into the garden and let them put seed in. At harvest time, I would let them pick my cherished garden presents.


Today, I was out taking my weekly pictures of the garden plants and examining the blooms. The female squash blooms had some larva feasting in them. On the other side of the garden, I disappeared between the rows to help pollinate my cucumber plants until the honey bees do a better job. When I stood up, my 12 yr old was with me. He was curious examining plant after plant. He's a bug guy at heart. We found an insect that mimics a spider. He saw different types of bees. I showed him the larva & remaining eggs. It was fun.


When we came inside, he came to me and said these words, "Mom, for a minute there, I wasn't bored. I had a lot of fun in the garden with you." It was like sweet music to my ears. Years and years of gardening and somebody seemed to enjoy it with me.

But then, as warm & fuzzy as those feelings were, I had an adrenalin rush of shock when it hit me that God probably feels the same way about us when we finally dust off our Bibles and seek Him for something. Why is it that I sometimes dread spending time with Him? When I get lost in His Word, I really enjoy myself. I really do need to look forward to sharing those times with Him and let the responsibilities of my day just melt away for 30 minutes or an hour. The world will not stop revolving because I enjoy some time with my Heavenly Father.

I want to encourage you this Holy Week to spend some time with God too.
