Sorry I've been missing from blogland. Lots of interesting things going on in the household. We adopted a young rescue dog, but it isn't transitioning so smoothly with the chihuahua boys.
Lack of sleep and a major attack on my allergies have rendered me ill for a few days.
This is Troy.
Anyhow, while all this is going on and I'm preparing for the Christmas Musical, life continues to fly by. Tonight is Trunk-or-Treat at our church. We're providing one of the trunks.
So get this......... we've been praying the Prayer of Jabez for the past 30 days. We've had some really cool things happen during that time. God has blessed us indeed!! He's made Himself very real to us and He's done things that can't be explained any other way.
Last night was no different. We went to the local *Mart to get bags of candy for the trunk and the prices seemed unusually high. We've put ourselves on a very strict budget in order to pay off debt and I had a hard time justifying $8.50 bags of candy that were going to be $4 tomorrow. I bought 2 bags and told myself that would have to be enough. I ran into two other church members who all felt the same way.
By the time I got home, there was a voice mail waiting for me from a dear couple at my church. The didn't have the energy to put together a trunk but wanted to serve in some capacity by donating candy. God had laid our family on their hearts. Today, she brought me 9 bags of candy (& she got quite the bargain at another store)!!!! It was a big blessing. More than that, it gave God plenty of room to work and show Himself.
Ok, I'd better get running. But I just had to testify how great my God is.
Have a wonderful & safe night.