I'm not sure I've fully recovered enough to write the stories that go along with these photos. We had an amazing time. It was so much fun. My only complaints were that I would have magically ordered up cushioned lazy-boys for everyone who had to sit in those stands for hours. And I thought everyone deserved a 4 ft high trophy for their enormous hard work at this level of competition. Our kids hearts were on the line. I didn't see any tears but I know how much I wanted to cry when we were bumped to 4th place in performance. There's no trophy for "close". But........ I digress.
The kids are my heroes and they worked their tails off to be in the call-backs for the top 8 teams of performance & technical categories. There are over 300 teams in the state of Florida this 2008-2009 year. Our kids made me so proud I could cry as I type this. They have grown so much individually and as a team.
And not only do I think the world of our coaches, but I hope to continue calling them friends for many years to come. God has given Simon Peter two awesome mentors and gentle teachers through this experience.
Anyhow, enough of my parental gushing......... here are the pics.
FL Institute of Technology - gymnasium. Two competition stations, 4 tables, 2 jumbo screens which were very helpful. This is it empty. Now close your eyes and imagine it packed with body odor. LOL.
"The Pit" area where the teams kept their displays and robot equipment.
Our display and candy machine game which was a big hit. Always had a line!
Last minute competition. Everybody got a polar bear and had to decorate it. Ours was Steven Spielbear, in the back, director of Extra-Bearrestial and Paws.
This photo came from the local newspaper. Simon Peter is on the left. Our coaches' son in the other position. Me and another mom in the background screaming with bricks on our heads. These two did the first run and the run-off with the top 8 teams.
Other teams, also from the newspaper gallery.
There were a couple mascots. This was a panther but the gopher got "most spirited". Our team had a Lego man.
Here is a close-up of another team's robot.
Here is our team with their 2nd run.
Here's our mascot, more members and one of our coaches.
Here is my favorite Thunderbrick. Goodness, he looks old here to me. When did that happen?
I have many, many more pictures but these are the ones I have ready to go and it seems to be a decent selection of our day.
Hope you enjoyed the pics.